Dear Parents and Carers

I hope you all had a lovely break over half term despite the persistent wet weather! 

Thank you very much for the very kind words of support that many of you offered to myself and staff this week during our Ofsted inspection.  I was delighted that the Parent View was so positive and that so many of you responded to that.  The children were fantastic and a real credit to the school and I was extremely proud of how confidently they were able to speak to the inspectors.  The report will be published in approximately thirty days and as soon as it is, we will of course share it with you. 

We have a variety of events coming up this half of term, which will offer further opportunities for the children to show off their skills and confidence.  Tabitha, Orla and Eben have gone through to the finals of the Youth Speaks competition which will be held in Tavistock on March 2nd and we wish them all the best for this. This means we will need to move our planned Exmoor Challenge practice walk and Miss Johnstone will be in touch with children in Year 6 regarding that.

Next week we also have the boy’s yr 5/6 Tag Rugby competition at Tiverton High School and the pressure is on them to do as well as the girls did before half term!  

I have been so pleased with the Forest School provision we have put in place this term.  Please could I remind parents whose children are taking part in this, that they do need to bring wellies and a waterproof coat into school each Thursday please.  If anyone has any spare wellies suitable for feet in Fox or Stag - not little ones please - could you let us know so we can keep a few spare just in case. 

Have a wonderful weekend

Best wishes

Lully Newman

Head Teacher


Parents and Carers Resources

Mental health and Wellbeing link




Please see below the attendance percentages for each class, calculated from the beginning of the term up to and including 8th Feburary 2024.

Hedgehog Class 90.9% 
Squirrel Class 95.2%
Fox Class 95.5% 
Stag Class 91.5%



Breakfast Club

A reminder that breakfast club can be booked via the school app and is open every day of the week from 8 am.


After School Clubs


KS2 Fencing - Book on the School App


KS1 Computing run by Mrs Johnstone - Book on the school app


R, KS1 & KS2 Eco club run by Mrs Newman - Book on the school app


KS2 Art club run by Laura Grant - book on the school app 

Year 6 Cuppa club run by either Mrs Chant or Mr McCutcheon - book on the school app 

R, KS1 and KS2 Forest School run by Primary Forest Education - Parents need to book directly


R, KS1 and KS2 Gymnastics run by Premier Education- Parents need to book directly

27th February 2024 Stephen Froom Willow Workshop
29th February 2024 Y5-6 Boys Tag Rugby 6 a side THS
2nd March 2024 Exmoor Challenge Practice Walk
4th March 2024 Year 1/2/5/6 Fire Service workshops
7th March 2024 World Book day
8th March 2024 Lego League Bude
14th March 2024 Exmoor Challenge Practice walk
14th March 2024 Y3-4 Mixed Football 6 a side THS
8th – 17th March 2024 Science Week
17th March 2024 Sports relief
23rd March 2024 Exmoor Challenge Practice walk
29th March – 12 April 2024 Easter Holidays
4th May 2024 Exmoor Challenge
7th-8th May 2024 Fox Class Hooke Court Residential
24th May 2024 Inset Day
27th -31st May 2024 Half Term
6th June 2024 KS2 Muller Trip
25th,26th, 27th June 2024 Year 6 THS Transition days
8th -12th July 2024 Stag Grenville House Residential
25th July 2024 Yr 6 Leavers Assembly
Stag Class Highest Score Orla
Stag Class Amazing Effort Archie
Fox Class Highest Score Max
Fox Class Amazing Effort Autumn
Squirrel Class Highest Score James
Squirrel Class Amazing Effort Maria

Here are this week’s Times Table Rockstars, Superstars! We would like everyone to celebrate our top scorers and those who have made amazing efforts. All staff have been so impressed with children’s enthusiasm and determination to improve their times tables knowledge. If your child’s name is mentioned in the newsletter, then there is a 3 house point reward! Your child has a Times Table Rockstar login, which can be used at home too.

Good luck everyone!

Fieldmice and Hedgehog Class:

We have had a super start to the term with our new topic ‘Under the Sea’.  We have looked at animals and habitats and made a beautiful giant fish based on the Rainbow Fish.  In art we have been printing using chalk-marbling which was a lot of fun.  We have also enjoyed lots of messy play including slime and jellybaff.


Squirrel Class:

have all been showing confidence in art and have been very articulate identifying how colours make us feel when looking at paintings. This week we made visual notes on the artist Paul Klee. Please feel free to look at your child’s sketchbook when you come into class. In maths we have been partitioning numbers and making fact families. In geography we are learning about London and identified landmarks using Google maps and enjoyed walking over Tower Bridge, around the Shard and the Tower of London from the comfort of our classroom.


Fox Class:

have demonstrated the Character virtues of confidence and friendliness. This last week, we have had Ofsted inspectors in, and Fox class have spoken confidently about their learning, held doors open for our visitors (without being asked) and coped brilliantly with all of the extra adults in the school.

In class, we have started learning about our new French topic, fruit, and our new English topic focus on explanatory texts. I am always so proud of how well Fox class give their all to everything.


Stag Class:

have shown motivation this week in their brilliant attitude to learning. From delving into decimals in Maths, to making predictions about animals’ gestation periods in Science, I’ve been so proud of their enthusiasm for all our lessons. In English, we’ve been distinguishing between simple present and present progressive tense, and learning to change sentences from active to passive voice, in preparation for writing explanation texts. I then challenged the children to add more detail to their sentences. They came up with such a range of scary, funny, beautiful writing – their creativity makes our grammar lessons so much fun!



For showing the character virtues of kindness and motivation.

Lexi has been very kind to our new starters in Hedgehog class, helping them to settle in and get used to daily routines.

Lexi has also impressed me with her reading and writing.  Well done Lexi!


William H

For demonstrating the virtues of determination and patience.

We have been very impressed this week in how focused William has been in writing and art.

He completed his final assessment in history independently, using his phonics recorded the facts he remembered about the Great Fire of London.

In art, he studied the paintings carefully and recreated visual notes on Paul Klee.

Well done William.



Every day, Imogen demonstrates the character virtues of determination and motivation.

She cannot try any harder in lessons and is determined to improve her understanding.

I have been so impressed with Imogen’s reading and how much she now loves it.

Thank you, Imogen, for being a star!



For showing the character virtue of confidence in the amazing start she has made in Stag class this week.

Olivia has settled straight in, working really well with the other Year 6 children.

She has given every lesson her best effort.

I am so proud of her – what a fabulous start!

Well done Everybody


The PTFA is made up of parents, carers, teachers, and friends of Bampton School with a shared interest in raising funds for equipment, resources, and activities to enhance the children’s learning experience.

We meet monthly to discuss how we as a school community can develop and improve school facilities and students’ opportunities, through planning fundraising events such as Bingo events, the Christmas Community Evening, Easter Extravaganza etc.

We welcome new and old members and are hoping for more support in the coming months.

If you can help in any way, or would like more information on the work we do then please contact or look out for meeting dates on the school website, posters around the school or for notes in your child’s book bag.

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